
FOSS4G community voting open through May 5th

April 22
Portland, OR, USA

Community voting open through May 5th

What presentations do you want to see at FOSS4G?  Now is the time to tell us!  

The FOSS4G community at large can now read and score potential presentations.  The conference committee will use the aggregate scores from the community review process to help choose which presentations to accept, and to assign presentations to appropriately sized rooms.

The community review process is an important part of creating a conference that benefits and reflects the community. Your input is a significant part of what makes FOSS4G a great conference. Note that you do not need to be registered for the conference to vote. And remember, all presentations will be available online, so even if you are unable to attend, your vote matters.

Please complete your voting by May 5th.

Important Conference Dates

See the full calendar for more details.

  • June 15th: Early bird registration ends
  • Sept 8th-9th: Workshops
  • Sept 10th-12th: Main Conference
  • Sept 13th: Code Sprint

About FOSS4G

The annual FOSS4G conference is the largest global gathering focused on open source geospatial software. FOSS4G brings together developers, users, decision-makers and observers from a broad spectrum of organizations and fields of operation. Through six days of workshops, presentations, discussions, and cooperation, FOSS4G participants create effective and relevant geospatial products, standards, and protocols.

FOSS4G has been held all over the world and draws attendees from over 40 countries. Nottingham, England hosted the conference in. In, Portland, Oregon, USA will host FOSS4G’s tenth year.

About OSGeo

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) was founded in to support and build the highest-quality open source geospatial software. The foundation's goal is to encourage the use and collaborative development of community-led projects, data development and education. Many projects live under the OSGeo umbrella, including FOSS4G.

About PDX-OSGeo - Portland Area and Oregon OSGeo Chapter

The PDX-OSGeo chapter of OSGeo has been meeting, discussing and promoting the use of open source geospatial technology. Chapter members often organize or present on open source software at regional geospatial conferences. PDX is the airport code and like the PDX airport, the group has a wide catchment area.



Silver Level Sponsors

boundless_logo          esri_logo.png

Bronze Level Sponsors



AppGeoFOSS4G2014         camptocamp_logo       locate-press-150         mapgears_rgb_transparent_nb_150x81                                       


Media Partners

These leading geospatial media organizations have partnered with FOSS4G to keep their readers informed.

        -NEW- Logo GIM-voor drukkerkopie 150           bciiajfc.gif          

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Regular Session and Academic Track proposals due early next week (4/15)

April 11
Portland, OR, USA

Regular Session and Academic Track proposals due

A reminder to all FOSS4G attendees - the proposal submission deadline for both the Academic Track and Regular Sessions is next Tuesday, April 15th. For the Regular Sessions, we strongly recommend reviewing our advice for successful proposals before submitting.

The community voting on the Regular Sessions will directly follow the deadline, April 18th to 28th.  

Travel Grant Announcement

We realize that traveling to and attending a conference can be expensive, and that not everyone who uses or develops open source software has provided funding to pay their way or the means to pay for it themselves. To make sure that as many deserving people as possible can attend FOSS4G, we're creating a travel grant program with funds to cover registration and travel costs. Watch for details coming soon.

One additional reminder: Early Bird Registration is open!

Important Conference Dates

See the full calendar for more details.

  • April 15th: Academic Paper/Presentation Proposals Due
  • June 15th: Early bird registration ends
  • Sept 8th-9th: Workshops
  • Sept 10th-12th: Main Conference
  • Sept 13th: Code Sprint

About FOSS4G

The annual FOSS4G conference is the largest global gathering focused on open source geospatial software. FOSS4G brings together developers, users, decision-makers and observers from a broad spectrum of organizations and fields of operation. Through six days of workshops, presentations, discussions, and cooperation, FOSS4G participants create effective and relevant geospatial products, standards, and protocols.

FOSS4G has been held all over the world and draws attendees from over 40 countries. Nottingham, England hosted the conference in. In, Portland, Oregon, USA will host FOSS4G’s tenth year.

About OSGeo

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) was founded in to support and build the highest-quality open source geospatial software. The foundation's goal is to encourage the use and collaborative development of community-led projects, data development and education. Many projects live under the OSGeo umbrella, including FOSS4G.

About PDX-OSGeo - Portland Area and Oregon OSGeo Chapter

The PDX-OSGeo chapter of OSGeo has been meeting, discussing and promoting the use of open source geospatial technology. Chapter members often organize or present on open source software at regional geospatial conferences. PDX is the airport code and like the PDX airport, the group has a wide catchment area.



Silver Level Sponsors

boundless_logo          esri_logo.png

Bronze Level Sponsors



AppGeoFOSS4G2014         camptocamp_logo       locate-press-150         mapgears_rgb_transparent_nb_150x81                                       


Media Partners

These leading geospatial media organizations have partnered with FOSS4G to keep their readers informed.

        -NEW- Logo GIM-voor drukkerkopie 150           bciiajfc.gif          

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FOSS4G Early bird registration is open, submissions due April 15th, tips for writing a good proposal

April 2
Portland, Oregon, USA  

FOSS4G Early bird registration is open, submissions due April 15th, tips for writing a good proposal

Registration for FOSS4G is now open! Early registrants will receive a discount on registration fees and the benefit of the widest variety of workshop options. (FOSS4G boasts more than 45 workshops this year as part of an excellent program.)

Attendees can wear their FOSS4G heart on their sleeve by putting a bird (badge) on it. You can also socialize with us on your platform of choice, Twitter, Google+, facebook, or tumblr.

The proposal submission deadline for both the Academic Track and Regular Sessions is April 15th. For the Regular Sessions, we strongly recommend reviewing our advice for successful proposals before submitting.

About FOSS4G

The annual FOSS4G conference is the largest global gathering focused on open source geospatial software. FOSS4G brings together developers, users, decision-makers and observers from a broad spectrum of organizations and fields of operation. Through six days of workshops, presentations, discussions, and cooperation, FOSS4G participants create effective and relevant geospatial products, standards, and protocols.

FOSS4G has been held all over the world and draws attendees from over 40 countries. Nottingham, England hosted the conference in. In, Portland, Oregon, USA will host FOSS4G’s tenth year.

Important Conference Dates

See the full calendar for more details.

  • April 15th: Academic Paper/Presentation Proposals Due
  • June 15th: Early bird registration ends
  • Sept 8th-9th: Workshops
  • Sept 10th-12th: Main Conference
  • Sept 13th: Code Sprint

About OSGeo

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) was founded in to support and build the highest-quality open source geospatial software. The foundation's goal is to encourage the use and collaborative development of community-led projects, data development and education. Many projects live under the OSGeo umbrella, including FOSS4G.

About PDX-OSGeo - Portland Area and Oregon OSGeo Chapter

The PDX-OSGeo chapter of OSGeo has been meeting, discussing and promoting the use of open source geospatial technology. Chapter members often organize or present on open source software at regional geospatial conferences. PDX is the airport code and like the PDX airport, the group has a wide catchment area.

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FOSS4G Workshop Proposal Reminder and Opening Keynote

March 13,                                         

Portland, Oregon, USA


FOSS4G announces Mike Bostock as keynote speaker


We are pleased to announce that Mike Bostock will be featured as the opening keynote speaker for FOSS4G.

Bostock designs interactive graphics for The New York Times. He is also the author of D3.js, a popular open-source library for visualizing data using web standards, and TopoJSON, an extension to GeoJSON that encodes topology.

D3.js is one of the most exciting visualization technologies to appear recently, and we're very excited to have Mike at FOSS4G. You can see some of his work at his website and be sure to check out his numerous elegant D3.js examples.

Workshop proposal reminder
Workshop Proposals are due March 15th, just a couple of days away. We've had lots of great submissions, but would love to have yours, too. Workshops are always very popular, and are a great way to introduce people to your work. No project or idea is too small to be worth submitting.

Read the Call for Workshops  or go right to the submission page


About FOSS4G


The annual FOSS4G conference is the largest global gathering focused on open source geospatial software. FOSS4G brings together developers, users, decision-makers and observers from a broad spectrum of organizations and fields of operation. Through six days of workshops, presentations, discussions, and cooperation, FOSS4G participants create effective and relevant geospatial products, standards, and protocols.


FOSS4G has been held all over the world and draws attendees from over 40 countries. Nottingham, England hosted the conference in. In, Portland, Oregon, USA will host FOSS4G’s tenth year.


Conference Dates


Sep 8th-9th: Workshops

Sep 10th-12th: Main Conference

Sep 13th: Code Sprint


About OSGeo

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) was founded in to support and build the highest-quality open source geospatial software. The foundation's goal is to encourage the use and collaborative development of community-led projects, data development and education. Many projects live under the OSGeo umbrella, including FOSS4G.


About PDX OSGeo - Portland Area and Oregon OSGeo Chapter

The PDX-OSGeo chapter of OSGeo has been meeting, discussing and promoting the use of open source geospatial technology. Chapter members often organize or present on open source software at regional geospatial conferences. PDX is the airport code and like the PDX airport, the group has a wide catchment area.




Silver Level Sponsors

boundless_logo           esri_logo.png

Bronze Level Sponsors

azavea           logo_klein_foss4g      


AppGeoFOSS4G2014      camptocamp_logo       locate-press-150        mapgears_rgb_transparent_nb_150x81  logo_terrestris_150x60            

Media Partners

These leading geospatial media organizations have partnered with FOSS4G to keep their readers informed.

directionsmag      geoconnexion       geoinformatics      al-World-FOSS4G2014-Media-Partner     gim-international bciiajfc.gif       gisuser     lbxjournal      sensorsandsystems       slashgeo       veryspatial        3dvisworld       


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